Our Production Process

Written by
Andrew Jennings - Founder & Video Specialist

Modulo is primarily a video production studio. We create video content for businesses using animation, motion graphics and stock footage. However, we are different to other production companies, as we specialise in transforming our videos into personalised content.

If you’ve produced videos before, you’ll know there are lots of variables to consider. There’s the script, the duration, the format, style frames, music, voiceover, design, audio….the list goes on. We’ve started from scratch many, many times, so we’re here to guide you through the process as much as you need.

Here’s a brief outline of our video production process -

Step 1 - Create a video with our experts

In the first step, we create a video. Simple eh? Well, it can be with the proper process. First, we’ll ask you questions about the project - where will it be seen? By whom? What would you like the audience to do after viewing the video?

From there, we’ll need a script. Maybe you’ll write this, or we can help as much as you need. The script will detail what will be seen and heard at different times in the film. Once everyone is happy, we move on to the next stage.

Depending on the type of video, storyboards and style frames may need to be created, so the design of the video can be agreed on. Or, if it’s a more straightforward video, we can jump to the rough edit.

A rough edit will help to visualise the final product. We’ll get a good idea of timings and if certain sections are too fast, too slow, or just not working.

Then finally, once the rough edit is signed, it’s time to create the final masterpiece. Editors, motion designers, animators, sound designers, voiceover artists…they all lend their invaluable expertise to put the finishing touches on your brand-new video.

Step 2 - We turn areas into modular elements

The modular elements are discussed in the planning stages - what areas need to be personalised? For example, are we changing images, text, whole sections of video….or all of the above? After the video is finalised, the personalisation plan is put into action.

Step 3 - Fill in your customised spreadsheet (or send us the data)

Now is the time to create hundreds of videos of the original video. We can work with you as much as you need to complete the spreadsheet. All the modular elements will need to be addressed; however, much of the data can be re-used from one or two bits of information. It’s a straightforward process.

Step 4 - Deliver personalised videos, at scale

And off they go! Into the world, finding their way to their intended viewer. The videos can be produced all in one go or in batches, as needed. The personalisation will help keep eyes glued for longer and boost engagement.

Step 5 - How did the videos perform?

We’d love to hear how the videos performed and whether we can improve on anything for next time - we’re all ears.If you have a question about our process or want to discuss ideas about your next project, please get in touch with us; we’re more than happy to help.